I am so sorry to hear of his passing and to write this so long after.
I was a trainee vet nurse with Teakle and Partners from 1987 + and Mr Lang both fascinated and terrified me in equal measure. When, as a young, inexperienced trainee being told to 'tip the table' during a Great Dane's spay and I couldn't take the weight (she shot onto the floor!)....his kindness and empathy when I asked to hand rear Labrador puppies due to be put down at birth....his advice and care as my elderly cat died in my arms one Sunday afternoon....tonight, looking for something to volunteer for to make my life more 'worthwhile' I looked at bat care volunteering and remembered fondly the operations I assisted Mr Lang with as he fixed Pipistrelles' wings with a matchstick and that prompted me to search his name again. I am so very sorry to find the end of my search here, but he was a truly inspirational, talented, wonderful man who has certainly influenced many and left a massive legacy.